Key Dates
Early Vote begins – September 18
Last day to early vote – November 2
Election Day – November 3
To be eligible to vote in Minnesota you must
Be at least 18 years old on Election Day
Be a citizen of the United States
Have resided in Minnesota for 20 days immediately preceding Election Day
Have any felony conviction record discharged, expired or completed
Not be under court-ordered guardianship where a court has revoked your voting rights
Not have been ruled legally incompetent by a court of law
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I check to see if I am registered to vote at my current address?
A: The Minnesota Secretary of State has a tool to look up your registration online! Just visit
Q: I’m not currently registered to vote. What should I do?
A: You can send us an email and we can get you a form or you can register online at
Q: Where do I vote???
A: Depends on what precinct you live in ! Visit to find out your precinct and polling location.
Q: I’m going to be out of town/busy/etc on Election Day. What can I do to cast my vote for Kelly?
A: You have a number of options:
- Vote by mail
- Early in person
Q: Can I vote by mail even if I will be available on election day?